SUBMISSION | GUIDELINES: Digital images should be 1000 pixels on the longest side saved in JPEG format at 72 ppi. JPEGs cannot be larger than 3MB. Each image should be labeled with consecutive numbers followed by your name, i.e. 1FirstName_LastName.jpg. The number should correspond with the number on the application form. Please do not watermark your images. If you need help sizing your images, please follow this link
PLEASE NOTE: Insurance and shipping costs are the sole responsibility of the artist. SUBMISSION | ONLINE: Beginning January 1, 2021, fill out our online Application Form to apply (see link on the right), send images, and make payment with PayPal. You will receive an email confirmation upon receiving the submission and payment. You can also fill and submit the online Application Form, print out your confirmation email, and mail it with a check for your fees to the address below. SUBMISSION | by EMAIL: Email image files of work and Application Form as attachments to [email protected]. The gallery will send an email confirmation upon receiving the submission and payment. SUBMISSION | by MAIL: CD’s, printed Application Form, and payment should be mailed to: Echo Gallery P O Box 704 100 N Nugent Ave Johnson City, TX 78636 SUBMISSION FEE | $30 for the first 3 images, $6 per each additional image. Please contact [email protected] if submitting more than 6 images. Submission fees are not refundable. 20% of all entry fees will be donated to Planned Parenthood and La Leche League organizations to promote the dignity and health of breastfeeding ELIGIBILITY | Submissions are open to all artists both professional and amateur working in all visual mediums and styles. All artists residing in the United States are welcomed. PRINTING/MATTING/FRAMING | INFORMATION | All work should be ready to hang with wires. If you have any questions regarding appropriate presentation please contact [email protected]. Late entries (between June 1st and 15th) due to Covid-19 complications will be considered, but the artist is responsible to have accepted art shipped to arrive not later than July 23rd. AWARDS | The awards are as follows: Jurors Award – Custom trophy for 1st place & custom ribbons for 2nd and 3rd place Three Honorable Mentions & Visitors Award – Custom ribbons ART SALES | Price your art for a 50% gallery commission. Sales will be available both physically and virtually, however the artwork won't be removed until the exhibition closes. USE RIGHTS | Artists retain full rights to their own images. The gallery will use the artist's images for publicity purposes. FOR MORE INFORMATION | [email protected] |
Application Form Application Payment NOTE: Incomplete or unpaid Application Forms will be deleted CHECK PAYMENT: Make check payable to “Echo Gallery” Mail to: P O Box 704, Johnson City, TX 78636 CALENDAR Entries Due: June 15, 2021 Acceptance confirmed: June 25, 2021 Exhibition dates: August 1 to August 31, 2021 in the gallery, and virtually on the gallery website Artists' Reception August 19, 2021 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM For more information: [email protected] |